2021 Karilee Committee
The Karilee Committee for 2021 was elected at our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 25th March 2021 at the Waste Away, 25 Sheppard Street, Hume with a Zoom option provided.
At the 2021 AGM, we also approved the 2020 Karilee Reviewed Financial Reports.
Many thanks to our Treasurer for organising the review of our financial records.
The Committee meetings will mostly be held at Waste Away, 25 Shepard Street, Hume at 7.30pm on the fourth Thursday each month (which week is still to be confirmed).
We will also have a Zoom meetings options for those who can’t attend meetings in person.
Executive Positions:
PRESIDENT: Karin Craig karileepresident@gmail.com |
VICE PRESIDENT: Jacqui Reber karileevicepresident@gmail.com |
HEAD COACH: Rachel Holdway karileeheadcoach@gmail.com |
SECRETARY: Maureen Bourne karileesecretary@gmail.com |
TREASURER: Nicola Todd karileetreasurer@gmail.com |
Cali-ACT DELEGATES: Karin Craig & Committee Volunteer |
Cali-ACT COMPETITION DELEGATES: Andrew Bourne & Nicola Todd (Meeting Representatives) karileecompdelegate@gmail.com Bronwyn Stirton Emma Peterson additional Volunteer requested Maureen Bourne (Proxy) |
Cali-ACT COACHES DELEGATES: Rachel Holdway karileeheadcoach@gmail.com |
Members are welcome to join us, please let the secretary know if you plan to attend a meeting.
Members can join the committee as an ordinary member to become familiar with the process or to complete a set task.
The December meeting is usually a Committee or Club Dinner that is held late in November at the Southern Cross Club.
Under our constitution, Karilee Calisthenics Inc. is managed by a committee of five executives members and a further four non-executive positions plus at least three ordinary members.
Here is a link you can click on to access the Karilee duty statements for the Office Bearers.
Non Executive:
REGISTRAR: Courtney Barker karileeregistrar@gmail.com |
ASSISTANT TREASURER: Vacant karileeassistanttreasurer@gmail.com |
ASSISTANT SECRETARY: Vacant – Volunteer requested karileeassistantsecretary@gmail.com |
MERCHANDISE OFFICER: Amy Blyton karileemerchandise@gmail.com |
Ordinary Members:
COMPETITION COORDINATOR: Jacqui Reber karileecomp@gmail.com |
Media Officer Jana Ethell & Taryn Leslie karileemedia@gmail.com |
SKILLS COORDINATOR: Volunteer requested karileeskills@gmail.com |
PROPS COORDINATOR: Kerry Blyton – Props transport karileeprops@gmail.com |
There is also a Team Representative from each age group on the committee.
Team Representatives
These positions are usually held by the Team Managers.
Karilee still has opportunities for members to join the committee, please contact the secretary or president if you are interested in attending committee meetings or volunteering for a vacant positions.
TINIES: Marissa Goeldner Courtney Barker karileetinies@gmail.com |
SUB JUNIORS: Lucy Stephenson karileesubbies@gmail.com |
JUNIORS: Amy Eveston karileejuniors@gmail.com |
INTERMEDIATE: Jen Woodward |
SENIORS: Alicia Gaudie karileeseniors@gmail.com |
MASTERS: Karin Craig karileemasters@gmail.com |