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Karilee Calisthenics provides the opportunity to participate in a fabulous dance sport where friendship, fun, and fitness go hand in hand with music and rhythm.
To join one of our teams, please go to the Registrations page for more information. If you have any questions, email a member on our Club’s committee.
We offer new participants two obligation free classes for you to come and try our great sport.
Most years we run a set of FREE Come & Try classes usually starting late in November.
We would certainly love to have you join us. Read “Why Calisthenics” is a sport that you could consider for your child’s development.
Each year our new teams start training the first week of Term One at various venues in Weston Creek, our teams compete in three ACT competitions at the Erindale Theatre in Wanniassa and when possible one interstate competition each year.
Thank you to everyone who volunteers for the many tasks to help us run Karilee so that our dancers get the most out of their calisthenics experience. Your help is very necessary for the smooth running of our sport and is greatly appreciated.
Please read about our fabulous sport and be amazed at the skills and qualifications of our coaches.
Visit our gallery of team photos and marvel at what girls can do. Find out how to get the most out of calisthenics for you and your child.
We publish our newsletters at various times during the year to keep you up-to-date with what’s happening at our club. If you have something you would like included in a future newsletter, contact the secretary – karileesecretary@gmail.com.
We hope you will find what you need to know about Australian Calisthenics and our club here on our website.
Karilee President